One of the main concerns I get from clients during their cutting fat loss phase is about losing muscle mass and getting smaller. When you cut you will get smaller, but not because you lose lean muscle mass. Instead, you will get smaller because the cut reveals your true level of lean mass. The issue […]
Why You Will Never Look Like Someone Else
I often get the question: Can I look like this guy in X months of training? The answer is: No. You will never look like someone else. Your bone-structure, muscle bellies, muscle insertions and body-fat distribution determine how you look at a certain level of leanness and muscularity. This means that you can have two […]
How Bone Structure Affects the Type of Training You Should Do
I’ve always observed that fat, big-boned guys have a lot of “natural” muscle mass underneath the fat and that they start training with much higher strength levels than the average guy. A good example is the difference between me and my big-boned cousin. We are both the same height (6’2″), however he started out with […]
Are Wide Hip Bones Genetic?
“Are wide hip bones genetic?” That’s another question I get quite a lot and in this quick post I will do my best to answer it. To do so, I first need to define: 1) The period where your bones grow. 2) The difference between hip bone growth as a result of your genetics (nature) […]
Bodybuilding Is An Illusion Therefore Focus On Proportions And Not Size
Last night I got a question from one of my readers, Abdul from Chicago: “How did you reduce the size of your hip bones?” To start off with, my hip bones are still very large, measuring 41 inches in circumference. 41 inch hips is close to “child-bearing status” so I wasn’t exactly blessed with the […]