Testosterone is the male hormone of vitality and it’s the main muscle building hormone in your body.
Based on the blood work I’ve seen in many of my clients, most skinny-fat guys have a very low natural testosterone production and this makes it difficult to put on muscle mass.
I personally started training with a testosterone level of 297 ng/dl which is the equivalent of an 80 year old man.
That was around age 17 where testosterone levels are supposed to be at their peak. (You know, raging hormones during puberty and all that).
I tried to get testosterone injections from my endocrinologist to boost my production, but I was denied because of my age. And she didn’t provide me with any solution to boost my testosterone.
As a result, I spent years researching the endocrine system and how to use diet to improve your natural testosterone production.
After creating my own testosterone boosting diet, I quickly increased my levels with 120% and now, 7.5 years into training I just got my testosterone checked and they’re higher than ever before.
My new result came in at 831 ng/dl which puts me in the top end of the range and makes for a total increase of 180%.
You can see my new result below:
And my last years and old results are in this post.
To give you some perspective, this increase took me from having the average testosterone levels of an 80 year old man to being around the level of a ripped college athlete.
My testosterone levels have now been consistently high for roughly 5-6 years (ever since I started my High Testosterone Diet) and it’s a big game-changer.
Not because my physique looks better, but because I can get away with much more.
Prior to doing my recent testosterone test, I wanted to see how much I can get away with so I had been to +15 parties in a month.
I drank a lot of alcohol at +10 of them and I slept at 4-6 AM most nights that month.
Essentially, I did the things that are supposed to ruin your natural testosterone production.
The result?
Energy levels and sex drive remained very high. I still trained hard 3-4 days per week.
Muscle mass increased in the areas I focused on and my weight remained stable:
Strength and explosiveness increased. My muscle ups are now better than ever before and I haven’t even trained them for a long time.
The point I’m trying to make is that whatever diet approach you choose to follow must be a 10 year investment rather than a 12-week quick fix.
Invest in a 10 year diet strategy that optimizes your natural testosterone production and metabolism – even if body-composition changes are slower at first.
So in 10 years when most guys have a slowed down metabolism and low testosterone from quick fix diets you will be able to enjoy your life while still looking fit.
Remember, the purpose of training and dieting is to enhance your life and not to take away from it.
So don’t go for a quick fix that gives you the look NOW at the expense of the next 10-20 years.
Do the opposite of everyone else and think long-term.
Slow-cook your progress with a sustainable diet approach and reap the rewards later.
Now, I’m not recommending to drink 15 times per month and it’s certainly not a lifestyle I will keep up with.
However, I did this to prove a point: A well-designed diet plan gives you LONG-TERM SUSTAINABLE RESULTS.
This is why the diet section in the SKINNY-FAT TRANSFORMATION Bodyweight Program emphasises sustainability so much:
- Balanced meals that keep your blood sugar stable.
- Meals that are easy on the digestion.
- Foods that have a high satiety index so you don’t get cravings.
I don’t want you to become part of the statistic of “9/10 people who lose weight regain it all within a few years”.
I want you to get results that you can keep for years or even decades to come.
Be proud but stay hungry!
Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer