Yesterday, I went to a clinic here in Bangkok to get my testosterone blood work done.
I did my blood work because one of my services is a customized High Testosterone Diet plan which has helped my skinny-fat clients shred fat, gain muscle mass and boost natural testosterone levels.
Boosting natural testosterone levels is crucial for skinny-fat guys, because testosterone is the male hormone of vitality and it’s responsible for muscle gains and thereby your overall body composition.
When you have the testosterone levels of your grandfather, there’s just no way you will build a great physique and the sad truth is that those are the kind of levels seen in most skinny-fat guys.
My Testosterone Increased With 159% On The High Testosterone Diet
My recent blood test showed that my testosterone levels have increased by 159% and that they are at the top of the natural range.
You can view a one page PDF of my recent lab work by clicking here and my first 3 blood tests by clicking here.
Below is a summary of my testosterone progression from before I started my High Testosterone Diet until now.
- Reference range: 249-836 ng/dL
- Testosterone before High Testosterone Diet: 297 ng/dL
- Recent Testosterone test: 770 ng/dL
The number #1 key to boosting my testosterone levels has by far been diet, because when you eat the right foods at the right time along with shredding body-fat, you can stimulate your body to produce more testosterone.
What Happened When I Got High Testosterone Levels?
After boosting my natural testosterone levels, I can safely say that life has gotten better, mostly because I see life in a different way.
I feel more driven to get as much as possible out of my day and I take massive action compared to before when I was on my computer all day reading about things instead of doing.
Overall, the past 3 years, my life has been so good that I don’t want my days to end.
Having been depressed most of my life, I appreciate living my current life a lot because I know most people might have more financial success and power than me, but they will never have the freedom and physical health I’ve had the past 3 years.
And freedom (time to do what you want) + health is much more valuable than financial success, because:
- Today it’s easier than it has ever been to make more money and you can always find ways to make more money.
- But you can’t buy your lost time back.
- And once you get powerful diseases, even the best treatment won’t do much.
Finally, I will finish off this post with a great lesson from Dale Carnegie’s classical book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”:
Most people want something in life, but when they get it they don’t know how to enjoy it.
Be proud but stay hungry,
Oskar Faarkrog