In my last post I showed you my most recent testosterone results showing that I boosted my natural testosterone production with 180%.
In this post I’ll discuss how lifestyle affects your natural testosterone production.
Just consider the example below:
- Guy A works a job he hates, which leads to stress. He stays up late playing computer games to escape his life which leads to poor sleep. He doesn’t exercise and eats junkfood on a daily basis which results in a skinny-fat physique. He doesn’t have a girlfriend, so instead of going out and finding one, he decides to stay home in his “safety” and watches porn.
- Guy B studies medicine because he wants to become a doctor. After a long day of studying he goes to the gym for a few hours to sculpt his physique then goes home. When he get’s home he makes plans with his buddies to go to a student bar for a few hours. At the bar he sees a hot girl and he talks to her but get’s rejected. (At least he tried).
Which guy do you think will have a higher testosterone production?
Of course the guy who chases what he truly wants.
When you chase what you truly want, you will feel much better on a daily basis, regardless of whether you get it or not.
Guy B might have gotten rejected by the hot girl he talked to, but he talked to her.
Also, guy B may not succeed at becoming a doctor, but he’s working hard everyday to achieve his dream.
His life is full of chasing what he wants and as a result I can assure you that he’s feeling much better on a daily basis.
It’s not having the body, job or girl that makes happy, calm and relaxed. It’s the act of working towards it.
Getting the actual thing you truly want is just the icing on the cake.
When you do finally get it, it won’t feel special because the hard work you’ve put into moving towards it will make you feel like you 100% deserve it.
This is why most successful people will tell you that achieving a certain amount of success doesn’t feel as good as you initially think.
The chase towards it feels better than actually getting it.
And it’s the chase that raises testosterone and keeps you too busy to get stressed over things that are out of your control.
Speaking of stress…
High stress levels sap your natural testosterone production, however not in the way most people think.
Guy B is putting more stress on his body and mind, but it’s self-imposed stress.
Self-imposed stress is good if it moves you towards your true goals because when you get busy moving towards the things you truly want in life, you will become happy, calm and you won’t even have time to stress or worry. You will be too busy living life.
It’s the stress from doing things you don’t truly want to do that saps your testosterone.
- Working a job that isn’t fulfilling.
- Living in a big and rainy city when you prefer a small and sunny city.
- Being in a relationship that drains you.
- Hanging out with friends that are bad for you just because you don’t have other options.
- Eating junkfood when you truly want to get lean.
In other words, what most people do.
How to Start the Chase
If you are like 99% of guys out there, you have things in life you truly want, but you aren’t taking steps everyday to get them.
The key here is to identify what you truly want regardless of what other people think of it.
The problem here is that you may not know what you truly want right now because of years of bad habits and a lot of stress and tension on the inside.
In my experience, the best way to release some of that tension and discover what you truly want is to start with your health and fitness. This is the foundation.
Start with fixing your mobility and digestion because it’s easy.
It’s much easier to fix your mobility and digestion compared to gaining 20 pounds of muscle or getting ripped. A good fitness program will make you move better and fix your digestion fast.
When you get rid of all the tension and waste inside your body, you will not only increase testosterone but put yourself in a much better position to decide on what you truly want in life. And start chasing it.
This is why yoga has so much mobility training and stretching exercises to improve the digestion. These are the things that will clear your head RIGHT AWAY.
Be proud but stay hungry!
Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer