There are a number of concerns people have when considering to join an online personal coaching program.
I’ll address the most common ones below.
The Assessment
When you join an online personal coaching program, you will most often get a Client Assessment Form to fill out.
I personally use a 6-page Comprehensive Client Assessment Form that covers a number of important questions I need to customise your training program and diet plan:
- Age.
- Body-composition. (Height, bodyweight, body-measurements).
- Strength levels on key exercises.
- Available equipment for training.
- How many days per week and how many minutes per day can you commit to train?
- Are there any foods you dislike?
- Are there any foods you absolutely want me to include in your diet?
- Mobility.
- Past injuries.
- Training and diet history.
- Stress levels, sleep and digestion.
- Why do you want to transform your body?
- What does your ideal physique look like?
- Other notes you want to share.
I have spent over 4 years refining my client questionnaire because I believe that asking the right questions is equally important to having a high level of expertise.
When you want to provide the highest level of online personal coaching, you need to be able to ask the right questions and have a sufficient level of expertise to answer these questions.
Your training program
Once I’ve read your assessment form, I go in and set up your training program.
The training program will be designed to fit your available training time and equipment and all the other details I get from your Client Assessment Form.
I have over 50 proven training templates for skinny-fat guys, each designed for different types of skinny-fat guys so I can almost always find one that will fit your situation.
You will get the training program as a PDF document with instructional videos of all exercises.
There will be a breakdown of what days to perform your training and what order to do the exercises.
Warm-up and stretching are also covered so you basically just follow the list of exercises in the order they’re listed and perform them one-by-one.
Everything is laid out clearly so it’s easy to follow through with.
How results are ensured
Regardless of how much knowledge and experience a coach has, there’s no 100% guarantee that your FIRST training program will produce results for you.
As a result, we track your training performance and body-composition in a shared Google Sheet.
We track 3 key exercises:
- One pushing exercise. (For the front of the upper body).
- One pulling exercise (For the back of the upper body).
- One leg exercise.
In other words, we track 3 key exercises that ensure your whole body is developing.
In addition, we track your body-measurements (shoulders, chest, arms, waist, hips) and your bodyweight and also your physique photos.
And we also track your BioFeedback (energy levels, training program difficulty and how you feel overall).
Again, with the BioFeedback I have spent years coming up with a set of questions that you fill out during the first 2 weeks to ensure that everything is working for our unique body-type.
Based on all this data, I can go in and evaluate how your training program is working for you and whether adjustments or changes need to be made. This guarantees you get results.
Tracking these things doesn’t take much time at all. You won’t have to invest more than 10 minutes extra per week for the tracking since most of it can be done while you’re training, but it’s 100% worth it.
Overall, the coaching process is 80% about me asking the right questions and you giving me your answers and feedback on a regular basis and 20% about the training program and diet plan. (Not the other way around).
Be proud but stay hungry!
Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer