I often get young guys asking me if they can raise their testosterone levels naturally without any supplements or drugs.
The answer is: YES.
99% of guys below age 35 who have low testosterone levels, have them because of living in an unnatural lifestyle:
– Bad circadian rhythm. (Sleeping past 10 PM on a regular basis and waking late or tired).
– Low quality sleep. (Sleeping in a room that’s not clean, pitch black, quiet and cool).
– Lack of early morning sunlight and low vitamin D3. (Vitamin D3 is a powerful hormone which aids in testosterone production).
– Sedentary lifestyle where you sit in front of a computer most of the day then occasionally go to the gym and go all out with no consistent exercise plan.
– Unnatural foods.
– Inflammatory and estrogenic foods. (Wheat, dairy, soy, sugar).
– Alcohol.
– Medications that affect hormones and gut bacteria.
– Air pollution.
– EMF from wifi and electronic devices.
– Blue light disrupting circadian rhythm. (When you look at blue light in the evening time it “wakes” your body and makes it hard to recover from the tasks performed during the day).
– Overactive parasympathetic nervous system. (Do more yoga, massages, nature).
– Lack of good social relationships. (People who are isolated are more anxious / depressed, live shorter and have lower testosterone production).
You can’t expect to spend no time in nature, sit down in a chair and work 12 hours per day in front of the computer, live an isolated lifestyle where you eat most meals alone and the food is low quality junk, live in a polluted big city with minimal sunlight, go to bed late after staring at bright screens for hours and then on top off that drink alcohol and take pharmaceutical meds then expect to have an optimal testosterone production.
On the other hand, you can’t also go to the other extreme and live in nature with your tribe and completely avoid the use of computers. None of the extremes will work.
You have to find the right balance where you can still function in a modern society but without ruining your health.
When you find the right balance and find which of these issues are the biggest triggers for you, you CAN produce optimal levels of testosterone.
There are guys who legitimately suffer from genetic disorders such as Klinefelter syndrome or damage to the testicles or brain, but these are RARE — even within the skinny-fat population.
When I had low testosterone at age 17-18 I personally tested for all potential causes of it (+100 vitamin / hormone / mineral labs and full genetic testing, brain scan etc) and we found no root cause.
I had many of my clients with very low T and severely skinny-fat physiques who believed they have genetic disorder run genetic tests and nothing was found.
Don’t assume something is genetically wrong with you unless you have the test to prove it.
There’s more than a 99% chance that it’s not your genetics but rather your environment and lifestyle that triggers the bad part of your genetics!
As you can see on the list above, there are so many things to work on that can improve your natural testosterone production.
These are some of the things I consider when training my Online Transformation Program clients.
If you haven’t taken the steps to optimize some of these factors, you’re nowhere near your natural testosterone production potential.
I corrected most of these issues and raised my natural testosterone from 297 NG/DL (lowest end of the range) to 1105 NG/DL (just above the natural range).
If I had to say one thing that is the most important and easiest to fix, it’s the circadian rhythm.
Get out in the sunlight in the early morning, set up a good sleeping environment and set a daily reminder alarm for 9 PM to get ready for bed.
This is the easiest to implement and fix and gives the highest ROI.
After you correct sleep, you implement better eating habits, stress management and the correct exercise.
Then slowly progress into becoming a high testosterone producing beast.
You can read more about how I raised my testosterone in this post: How I Increased Testosterone Levels With 270% Naturally [2019]