The key to find the ideal training program and diet plan is to find a plan that makes you feel great long-term while producing results.
Why is feeling great long-term so important?
Because you can only stick to a training program and diet plan long-term if it makes you feel good on a daily basis.
If you’re on a diet plan that gives you intolerable levels of hunger on a daily basis, there’s no way you will stick to that diet plan for the next 5 or 10 years – regardless of how much science and success stories there are behind that diet!
We live in a sedentary world of food abundance.
When a diet makes you feel hungry, it’s just a matter of time before you give in to your cravings because our will-power is limited.
As a result, you won’t be able to stick to a diet plan that makes you feel hungry on a daily basis for 5 or even 10 years.
And when you eventually break the diet that got you the results, you lose your results.
Similarly with training, you won’t be able to maintain a training regimen that takes up too much of your free time, constantly leaves you drained and in “recovery mode”.
Sure, you can do it from time to time, but this is not the type of training that you will do year around.
This is why evaluating your BioFeedback (how you feel on a daily basis) is the key to find a plan that works for you long-term.
To get results you can keep long-term, you need to learn how to get results while working with your body instead of against it.
Read my free 50 page guide "The 2 Phases of a Skinny-Fat Transformation"