I often get asked if skinny, fat or athletic guys should follow my training and diet strategies.
The answer is yes because if my advice works for skinny-fat guys who have the worst genetics for training and dieting, it works even better for guys who have average or even above average genetics.
Since 2013 I’ve focused almost exclusively on training skinny-fat guys, however occasionally I would get a skinny ectomorph in to try my advice.
The result was always massive muscle gains in a short time frame.
A good example here is Harrison Max who I’ve been training since the beginning of this year.
In just 10 months he has filled out his entire frame and built a similar level of muscularity to what took me +6 years to achieve:
I’ve seen this multiple times with clients who are naturally skinny and have average genetics for training.
When you put a guy with average genetics on my training programs, they respond even better than my skinny-fat clients.
Be proud but stay hungry!
Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer