To be successful on this coaching program, I have 6 requirements that you have to meet:
- Read through my page about the 2 Phases of a Skinny-Fat Transformation.
- Do your absolute best to stick to the diet plan and training program we agree on. If you find the plan difficult to stick to, let me know so we can adjust.
- Put your training stats, body measurements and bodyweight into our shared Google Sheet every week. I need this hard data to know whether your training program and diet plan are actually producing results, and if they aren’t I can go in and adjust your diet plan and training program so you don’t waste your time following a plan that doesn’t work for you. Don’t be afraid to put in your stats if you don’t see any progress! A lack of progress might just mean I put you on a plan you don’t respond well to and then I can go in and adjust it. If you don’t put in your stats, I can’t do that. I highly recommend you schedule this in your calendar to ensure you don’t miss the check-ins.
- Send me monthly progress photos from the front, side and back. Again, I need this to ensure that you are actually getting results. Sometimes the hard data doesn’t show progress while photos do so one doesn’t exclude the other.
- Put 100% trust into the diet plan and training program I give you and remember that in case you don’t see results in your initial weeks (or you feel bad on the diet and training regimen), we will adjust.
- Give me BioFeedback through email whenever needed. BioFeedback essentially means that you tell me how the program and diet plan make you feel. If you feel hungry from your diet and weak going into your training sessions, it’s essential you let me know so I can adjust your plan. The same goes for when you feel burnt out after your training sessions. Everyone responds differently to diet and training, so I need your individual BioFeedback to ensure you feel great while getting optimal results.