The High Testosterone Diet is designed to maximise your natural testosterone production and thereby achieve the following benefits:
- Increased ability to get lean and stay lean.
- Increased ability to pack on muscle mass on your upper body.
- More motivation to train hard.
It is specifically designed for skinny-fat guys and guys who suffer with puffy nipples because these groups often suffer from low testosterone symptoms such as:
- Lack of muscle definition.
- Low energy levels.
- A very hard time shredding body-fat.
The diet is based on the the exact diet strategy that I used to:
- Boost my natural testosterone production with over 100%.
- Reduce puffy nipples.
- Complete my body-transformation from skinny-fat to jacked.
- Support a fat loss of 60 pounds and get lean for the first time in my life.
One thing I want to make clear is that while the High Testosterone Diet promotes the increase in natural testosterone production, it’s not a fad diet which relies on “one magic quick fix” to achieve body-composition changes.
The increase in natural testosterone production is a by-product of following a healthy and balanced diet plan. NOT a quick-fix.
This will make more sense after you read about one of my client, Derrick who wasted 30 years following fad diets such as the low carb diet.
Derrick Wasted 30 Years Following Fad Diets
Note: I’m using the name Derrick as a pseudonym for a client who shared his personal experience following various fad diet plans the past 30 years. Because of some of the intimate nature of a story shared here, Derrick isn’t comfortable using his real name.
Derrick started working out at age 26 because he was embarrassed about his skinny-fat body and puffy nipples.
At the time, no one really knew anything about the skinny-fat body-type or conditions such as gynecomastia (puffy nipples).
They just told Derrick to go exercise and eat less, but we know now that it isn’t simple like that.
If it was, Derrick would be in great shape 30 years later at age 56, but he isn’t.
Instead, he spent all his prime years wasting money on exercise and diet regimens that didn’t produce any lasting results.
The best results he ever got was a temporary 4 month weight loss of 45 pounds which he got by following a low carb diet.
While following the low carb diet he experienced a bunch of negative side-effects:
- He felt hungry for carbs almost every night and he rarely got good sleep.
- His muscles started atrophying and looking flat.
- His training performance decreased.
- It was hard to maintain focus while doing his software development work.
- Derrick’s boss complained several times of his sub-par performance on the job.
…And the most embarrassing side-effect happened when he started dating a girl that he had been courting for months.
On their 2nd date, Derrick brought her home to watch a movie, but when it came time to get intimate, he couldn’t perform in bed.
He simply couldn’t get hard and the girl got angry at him and he never saw her again.
Because of all these negative effects, Derrick had to get off the “low carb diet” and within 8 weeks he regained all the weight he lost.
You see… A lot of of the weight Derrick lost during the low carb diet was water weight and muscle mass, not fat.
And the rapid weight loss came at the expense of his hormonal health and testosterone production.
As soon as he started eating a balanced diet with carbs again, he regained that muscle mass and water, along with new fat he didn’t have before.
In other words, he was worse off than when he started.
And the low carb diet was just one out of many diets that Derrick followed the past 40 years.
Other fad diets Derrick tried include:
- The Paleo Diet.
- The Vegan Diet.
- The No-Sugar Diet.
- The Low Fat Diet.
Just like the low carb diet, all of these diets produced temporary results for Derrick but no lasting change.
Right now, he’s just starting to re-learn about the basics of a balanced diet plan and that can be difficult when you’ve been brainwashed by the fitness industry for the last 30 years.
Sadly, Derrick is just one out of many older skinny-fat guys who wasted DECADES following advice that doesn’t work.
All Fad Diets Are Based On The Same Principle: There’s ONE Magic Fix That Will Solve All Your Problems
We know by now that fad diets aren’t optimal at producing lasting results.
For example, studies show that guys who follow a balanced diet, see bigger fat loss compared to those who follow a low carb diet, given that calories are the same.
In other words, like most diets out there, the low carb diet which Derrick followed is proven to be a fad diet.
This doesn’t mean the low carb diet doesn’t work…
I do have a few clients who respond well to a low carb intake and there are top-performing athletes, educated health experts and coaches who respond really really well to the low carb diet.
But these people are a minority!
The truth is that these types of magic pills only work for a minority of the population.
So when you have 100 guys testing the low carb diet, it might work very well for 3 of them.
But the other 97 guys will be miserable and potentially mess up their metabolism and testosterone production in the process.
…And this explains the problem with most diet plans out there.
Most diet plans promise faster results by doing one “magic thing” such as cutting out carbs or eating like a caveman did 2000 years ago.
This “magic thing” works for a small minority of the population.
This is the small minority that you always see and hear about in advertisements, commercials, blog posts and so on.
- “Cut out carbs.”
- “Cut out sugar.”
- “Cut out fat.”
- “Cut out alcohol.”
- “Cut out animal products.”
- “Cut out gluten.”
- “Cut out dairy.”
- “Cut out foods that weren’t available 2000 years ago.”
Fitness marketers KNOW that people are drawn to these magic pill diets, because they’re easy to sell.
I know this because I get contacted by fitness marketers every single day to promote their shitty diets and supplements on my blog with 100,000 monthly readers.
They all send me advertisement material over and promise me that I can get a 50-75% commission on each sale I make for them.
This is tempting to me because their marketing techniques work despite the lack of ethics behind them.
I made the advertisement below in just 1 minute to show you the type of ads these marketers use:
Once you click on that ad there will be a 20 minute powerpoint presentation explaining that you need to stick to the end because you’re about to discover ONE life-changing supplement that will make you shred more pounds than ever before. (Without putting in much effort).
People fell for the magic fix low fat diet in the 90s and now they do the same with the paleo diet, low carb diet and vegan diet.
The ONE magic fix strategy will always work in marketing but the tactics change.
The magic fix doesn’t provide lasting changes.
You might have seen the TV-show called The Biggest Loser.
On that TV-show the contestants lost a massive amount of fat in a short amount of time.
They all followed fad diets and fitness programs and some of them took drugs.
But now, years after the fact, most of these contestants have regained their fat and permanently messed up their metabolisms.
So in essence, they’re back to where they started but the decrease in metabolism will make it even harder to lose weight now.
I believe the magic fix mentality is the #1 reason to why 9/10 people who shred fat regain all of it within 2 years.
Most people aren’t patient enough to slow-cook their progress, enjoy the journey and get sustainable results.
They all want magic fixes, even though they know these won’t produce lasting results.
I’ve always been against the magic fix mentality.
When I lost 60 pounds in 2010-2012, it took me 18 months.
That’s a monthly weight loss of just 3.3 pounds!
Now, 3.3 pounds isn’t much for a big guy like me, but it really adds up over time.
And most importantly: I felt great throughout the process.
I didn’t even feel like I was on a diet but I was getting results. Month after month I was shredding fat and getting leaner.
All while feeling full, satiated and energised for my training sessions.
Following a sustainable diet approach helped me avoid becoming part of the statistic “9/10 people who lose weight regain it all within 2 years”.
I’ve kept off my weight for almost 4 years and while my diet tactics change, I’m still following the same proven diet principles that work.
To prove this, you can take a look at a recent photo of me at the beach:
I’m still lean and muscular and I haven’t had any relapses years after losing my 60 pounds.
My result is similar to my coaching clients who follow the same diet principles I used and who experience sustainable body-transformation changes on my program.
Here’s a quote from Logan Rando, one of my former clients who lost over 20 pounds in 12 weeks:
The diet plan included nutritious foods that I like to eat and was incredibly easy to follow.
I was never tempted to fall off the wagon because Oskar built into the plan two cheat meals per week. I constantly looked forward to my meals, felt satiated, and was energized for my intense workouts.
And here’s one from Gordon Martin who lost over 20 pounds in 6 months:
For the first time in 36 years, I am losing fat rather than gaining it! I already look better than most of my friends who are out of shape and overweight.
I have never eaten so much on a diet! There were many times I simply felt that I couldn’t stuff another bite in my mouth.
I shop and cook once a week. Right now, my fridge is stocked for the week… salmon, chicken breast, ground turkey meat, grilled vegetables, rice, sweet potatoes… I have the most delicious meals that only require 3 minutes in the microwave. No more endless snacking on garbage that never fills me up.
The food always makes me feel full and happy and never bloated or slowed down or gassy.
I would tell future clients to turn off their brains, listen to Oskar, and get ready to lose some weight.
You are one of the few people on the Internet involved with men’s health topics that actually cares and can get results for clients. The money I spent on your coaching services are the best money I ever spent!
And here’s Alex Huang from Taiwan:
These are just a few of the testimonials I have gathered over the past 2 years.
Just like Derrick, these guys had previously followed fad diet approaches which never produced lasting results.
With my diet principles it’s different because they slow-cooked their progress, enjoyed the process and ate foods that they enjoy, in the right quantities.
Now, they’ve completed my coaching program but they continue getting results by following the diet principles that I taught them during our coaching.
If you’re interested in achieving long-term results while feeling great in the process, you can learn more about my Customised High Testosterone Diet plan on the link below: